MDHH is here for YOU

WELS Mission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (MDHH) has a variety of resources available to encourage and assist pastors, teachers, congregations, interpreters, families, and members in their outreach to people with a hearing loss.

Downloadable resources are available for:

An online sign language class is being offered through Martin Luther College in spring of 2025.

Check out this video, explaining the meaning behind the Luther seal.

Find more resources for congregations, interpreters, parents, and teachers.

  • By Grace Alone, adapted, is the adult instruction manual for use with deaf adults. Read the introduction.
  • Lord’s Prayer Poster illustrates the Lord’s Prayer in sign language.
  • Manual alphabet bookmarks.
  • MDHH brochure describes our mission/goals.
  • “Understanding Hearing Loops” brochure shows how hearing loops work and answers questions.
  • Offering envelopes encourage members in congregations to support MDHH’s work.
  • Place mats for use at church or school meals showing the table prayer in sign language.

Request from [email protected].

  • Easy Bible Lessons with 36 lessons/Bible stories written at two levels of reading and understanding; has stories, color pictures, teacher’s guide, and crafts.
  • Christian Worship: Signing the Lutheran Liturgy show the liturgies of Christian Worship in sign language.

Request from [email protected].


Find more resources for use in ministering to the deaf and hard of hearing.