Military Occasions and National Holiday Resources

An Introduction to the Military Ministry Prayers and Liturgies

Busy pastors have sometimes asked WELS Military Services if some ready resources of prayers and orders of service related to our nation and our Armed Forces could be prepared. In this folder you find our answer to that request.

What you find offered here are our suggestions and ideas. You can improve on them. Perhaps in these files you may find some idea starters. On other occasions, when you look at your schedule, you may decide to use some of this work just the way it is. If you have suggestions on how we might improve a work—or a suggestion for another topic, please let us know.

If you have prepared something that you think others may benefit from using, please submit it to us.

May the Lord richly bless your efforts to serve him by serving his people!

Rev. Paul Horn
National Civilian Chaplain to the Military
Armed Forces Liaison of WELS Military Services
[email protected]

Downloadable resources

A Prayer of Remembrance for 9-11Download
A Prayer of Remembrance-Keep Us SafeDownload
A Prayer of Remembrance-Spread Your Holy WingsDownload
A Prayer of Remembrance-A Strong TowerDownload
A Prayer of Remembrance-For Those in Harm's WayDownload
A Prayer of Remembrance-Where Is God?Download
Armed Forces Day PrayerDownload
Farewell and Godspeed - DeploymentDownload
Fourth of July or Veteran's Day ServicesDownload
Independence Day - Prayer 1Download
Independence Day - Prayer 2Download
Memorial Day - Prayer 1Download
Memorial Day - Prayer 2Download
Memorial Day - Responsive Prayer 1Download
Memorial Day - Responsive Prayer 2Download
Memorial Day - Responsive Prayer 3Download
Memorial Day Bulletin InsertDownload
Military Funeral ServiceDownload
Prayer Against TemptationDownload
Prayer Before an ElectionDownload
Prayer for the Coast Guard in AlaskaDownload
Prayer for Deployed FamiliesDownload
Prayer for Families of DeployedDownload
Prayer for Flag DayDownload
Prayer for the GovernmentDownload
Prayer for MedicsDownload
Prayer for Military LeadersDownload
Prayer for Military PoliceDownload
Prayer for the Month of the Military ChildDownload
Prayer for Noncommissioned OfficersDownload
Prayer for Privates and SpecialistsDownload
Prayer for A Retirement From the MilitaryDownload
Prayer for Those Involved in Armed ConflictDownload
Prayer for Those Killed in ActionDownload
Prayer for Those in Pre-Deployment TrainingDownload
Prayer for Wounded WarriorsDownload
Service of Prayer for a Nation at WarDownload
Veteran's Day Prayer 2024Download
Veteran's Day Prayer 2023Download
Veteran's Day Prayer 2015Download
Veteran's Day ServiceDownload
Welcome Home From Serving Your Country PrayerDownload
  • 115.47 KB File Size
  • 42 File Count
  • November 4, 2024 Last Updated